Tuesday, June 29, 2010


This afternoon, David & I took a little drive across the state line to Scottsville, Texas.  There is an old Civil War Cemetery in that tiny community that has a lovely chapel and some of the most beautiful marble head stones. I had wanted to visit again and take some pictures and since the temperature was cooler, this seemed like a good day to go.
When we left home, the sun was shining but by the time we reached the cemetery, a thundershower passed over. This beautiful piece caught my eye and if you look closely, thanks to the rain, she is crying.
Such amazing detail!

I think this is my favorite, the weeping Angel.
All the statues were in need of a good cleaning. I love mossy things, but these are really beautiful when white and clean. Black angel wings just aren't as appealing!
Another lovely angel, (a popular subject)  holding a pretty rose bouquet.

The faces are especially sweet.
The cemetery has beautiful trees and flowers. The Crepe Myrtles are old enough to have that wonderful bark.

It is such a lovely old cemetery and though some folks may think it a little strange that we would spend a couple of hours there, I love the history and the peace and quiet. I have many more pictures, but will save them for another post.
 David & I like to read the sentiment on the headstones. The older the stone, the more beautiful and poetic the words it seems. I will leave you with the following................


  1. Oh, Carolyn ... what a beautiful epitaph on the stone in the last picture -- it gave me a lump in my throat when I read it.

    As you may know, I love rambling through old cemeteries, and I enjoyed visiting this one with you. I, too, love the weeping angel monument, and the picture you captured of the raindrop "tear" is truly awesome.

    Your pictures are always beautiful, and I love seeing things from your perspective through your lens.

    Best wishes for a happy day!

  2. Carolyn, I loved this post and like you think these statues are beautiful. I admit to really liking the aged look though. I love walking through cemeteries too. My favorite is in my home town of Pensacola, FL where all my ancestors are buried. So much history to be learned there.

    Carolyn/ A Southerners Notebook

  3. I was just going to say that you would love my friend Janie, and I see that you've met!!

    This was especially beautiful and touching---the quiet and the peace, with sculpture and poetry for the seeing---all hyacinths for the soul.

    Thank you for sharing your wanderings.
