Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Father Tim is Back

I have never given a book review on my blog before, but I have just finished this wonderful
Father Tim book by Jan Karon. I highly recommend it!
It is an easy read, set in Ireland, funny in places, sad in others, a wonderful story of family reconciliation.
If you are a follower of the Mitford Series by this author, you are probably already reading it!

I was hooked with the first Mitford book and have been an avid follower of Father Tim, Dooley, Puny, Uncle Billy & Rose and of course Cynthia and Violet the cat and all the others whose lives became so real through the talented pen of Jan Karon. I have missed them as I would old friends and I loved catching up with them once again. I hope this is not the end of Father Tim's adventures!


  1. This is on my Christmas wish list!!!!! ;).

  2. You know Ashley and I exchange books every year:). hint hint Ashley, just a reminder...I know you check out Aunt Carolyns blog;)

  3. I just bought this book for my mother for Christmas. She has read all of Ms. Karon's books and I'm sure she will be delighted with this one, too. I'm glad to hear you enjoyed it.

  4. Hi Carolyn, reading is one of my favorite things to do. I haven't read many of these books, I'll have to try one again.

    Have a good day,
