Friday, November 19, 2010

Foggy Morn

"The fog comes on little cat feet."

This line from the poem Fog by Carl Sandburg comes to mind any time I wake to a morning like this one. Here is a look out my window with fog hovering over the swamp.

It is soft and quiet, and moves as stealthly as a cat.

Fog takes the hard edges off the world for a while. It was a serene and peaceful way to start my day!

The fog comes on little cat feet.
It sits looking over harbor and city,
On silent haunches and then moves on.
                                        Carl Sandburg


  1. such a beautiful foggy morning! thanks for sharing it with us...

    love the poem too...

  2. Your photos are great. And so is the poem. I don't remember having read it, thanks for sharing!

    Have a great weekend,
