Monday, November 22, 2010

November in Dixie


One afternoon after I left work, it was such a beautiful day, I decided to drive up to Dixie to see if I could find any pretty trees in fall color.  So far, not so much……..

But, as always, I  found plenty of beauty. I spent about an hour wandering, just enjoying the blue sky and fresh air. Here are a few things I happened across.


This pretty view of the bayou with some cypress trees in color.


Here are those cotton fields, no cotton, but neat rows lined up ready for the next planting season.


As I was driving down the levee, I saw this fellow grazing in the afternoon sun.

He was not alone…….


He was accompanied by his family. This cute baby kept sticking his tongue out at me.
 Maybe he didn’t like having his picture taken!


Some lovely cows were also munching on the grasses along the levee. Most of them ignored me,
 but this lady was a little curious. I just love her bangs.


What fun! Those round bales of  hay make a colorful turkey to celebrate Thanksgiving.
 How could anyone drive by this and not smile?


Old Glory waving in the afternoon breeze and in the background, some beautiful fall color.

I headed for home refreshed, the stress of the day somehow had disappeared as I was out and about enjoying this beautiful world God has given us.

 Just one of the many things I have to be thankful for this season.



  1. Loved the know the cows and old glory are my *favorites*!!!

    love ya

  2. Thanks for sharing your drive with us! It looks to have been a gorgeous day. I love the donkeys and the cows....animals always make me smile....

    And the bales - of - hay turkey was darling.
    thanks for sharing your pics with us!

  3. I always loved the name of the little town of Dixie ... and you have captured its countryside beautifully, Carolyn. I can't decide which picture is my favorite -- they're all wonderful!
