Friday, January 28, 2011

A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood

This afternoon was a lovely, warm, 75 degrees and the lake and sky was a blue so gorgeous I long to be a poet so I could pen words to do it justice.

Last weekend, we attended a wedding reception on the south side of Cross Lake. I had forgotten how pretty that side of the lake is and decided then to take a drive at the first opportunity. Today was the perfect day! I know this beautiful weather won't last, so I made the most of the afternoon.

I hope you enjoy our beautiful corner of Louisiana.

These were taken at Ford Park. Cypress trees are plentiful on the lake and I love taking their picture! They have such unusual shapes and roots. The clear day allowed wonderful reflections in the water.

Notice all the "knees" which are really roots around this grandaddy of a tree.

Doesn't this boardwalk just invite you to walk down and around the corner to see what you can see?
More lovely shadows.

Here are a few things I saw from the boardwalk and pier.


Lots of water fowl could be seen everywhere. Here is a Mallard and hens who were a little skittish with me around. I was hoping for Pelicans, but maybe another time.

After I left the park, I continued my drive around the lake. I will share more pictures of my outing next time.

I hope your day was as beautiful as mine!


  1. What great shots of a beautiful lake! Thanks for sharing them with us! I love the top picture, the blue of the lake seems to blend into the blue of the horizon.... it seems to go on forever.....

    Have a wonderful weekend,

  2. I enjoyed seeing Cross Lake through your lens, Carolyn. We lived in Bossier City for five years, and I only saw it from a distance.

    Your pictures are incredible, as usual. I especially like the reflections of the cypress trees in the water.

    I look forward to seeing the rest of your pictures.

  3. Beautiful photographs. I sure do miss Louisiana! There is nothing to compare to the scenery there.
