Monday, January 31, 2011

A Beautiful Day Continued

As I continued my way around the south side of the lake, I found more opportunities to stop and enjoy the sunshine.

Spanish moss dripping from trees like a lacy shawl gives a fairy tale effect to parts of the drive.

More reflections in the water.
There is little more than gray or brown foliage to see, but here some greenery adds a bit of color against the blue reflection of the sky.

A few dried seed pods growing along side the lake.

As I drove along, this boat house caught my attention. Can you see why? I would hate to be responsible for power washing this mess! What attracted the birds to this structure, I don't know, but they obviously feel at  home here!

It looks like they were enjoying the beautiful weather as well!

As I returned home, I decided to drive to the end of our street. Our street dead ends at the lake about three miles down the road. I rarely go down there since no one lives that last mile. I found more beautiful mossy trees at the end of the street. I am so blessed to have so much beauty around me.

 Here is a closer view of the moss. Lovely color of grey-green at this stage.

As I write this post, the sun  is hidden behind clouds and the weather forcaster is predicting a record- breaking winter storm heading across the midsection of our country. We are expecting severe thunderstorms with hail and damaging wind tomorrow followed by more freezing temps. I am thankful God provided a break in winter this past weekend with this beautiful weather.

I pray you all stay safe and warm for the next few days. Spring is on the way!


  1. You do indeed live in a beautiful area. Your photos are wonderful, I especially like the reflection in the lake of the third photo. I also envy your nice weather. We're under a blizzard warning here in mid-Missouri. I can't remember a winter ever like the one we've had so far. Take care.

  2. Oh my! Your Lake is gorgeous! I am so happy you shared it's views and vistas with us. My favorite picture is the third one up from the bottom. The bottoms of the Cypress trees look like "Belle" skirts, and the Spanish Moss does look like lacy shawls draped farther up around their "shoulders"....
    That photo made my night! Thanks again for sharing, Carolyn.
    Hugs, Jenni

  3. I love all of your pictures, Carolyn, especially the one with the green trees reflected in the water, with the bright blue sky in the background.

    I hope today's storms aren't as bad as predicted ... stay safe and think Spring thoughts!
