Friday, February 04, 2011

What a Difference a Week Makes

A week ago today, the temperature was 75 degrees and I spent a lovely afternoon enjoying the warm sunshine. Here is what I woke to this morning! A chilly 25 degrees to go along with the snow which is actually about 10 degrees warmer that it has been here on the swamp.

It was a day for the birds to be sure. They attacked the feeders with a frenzy. I know they are hard to see through the snow, but they were everywhere.

Isn't this just the coldest looking picture?

I am battling one of those nasty bugs going around and was glad for a "snow day" and glad we didn't have the icy conditions that plagued the southern part of the state. However, we still lost power for about 6 hours due to a pickup taking a power pole down. David warmed up the truck, and we took a drive into the nearest town for a warm cup of coffee. I took these pictures out of the window as we drove.

Thanks to SWEPCO who responded quickly, the power is restored and I am about to take another dose of cold remedy and curl up with an afghan and a book for the rest of the day. Hope you all are warm and safe.


  1. Goodness! I got a chill just looking at those Pictures.... Especially the one of the Swamp....ooh that icy Water looks cold.... Brrr....
    I hope you get to feeling better soon.... enjoy your book today and stay warm!
    Cozy wishes,

  2. Your photos show some pretty scenes even though it is cold. Looks like you are taking good care of the birds in the neighborhood. They are about to eat me out of house and home as the saying goes. I guess as cold as it's been here, they need all the food they can get for energy and to keep warm. Hope you are feeling better. Take care, Cheryl

  3. really looks chilly there..cannot believe how much snow you(we) have seen this season. We had rain with sleet, no snow. However there is still a cahnce within the next week...I feel like you will have that same chance. Crazy, huh? Hope you feel better soon. Oh, and what are we reading now?

  4. Hope you are feeling better. Beautiful snow pictures. We only got a dusting here, but wow was it cold!
