Wednesday, February 09, 2011



Is there anything like fresh linens on the bed? I love crisp, clean sheets and pillow cases.
(pardon the quality of the photographs, it is cloudy and the light is not good )


I also love anything handmade. I found this single pillowcase at an antique booth. There was only one…. but it was blue….. so what else could I do but bring it home with me?


This is my daughter’s old room. When she moved out, I decided to use this as a guest room and put all the old family pieces here along with a few things I have collected. It’s a little feminine to be sure, but most people find it restful as well. I use a white down comforter found on a Dirt Cheap shopping trip for the winter. I keep thinking about painting, but I still love this color of blue.


Here is my favorite candle and linen spray fragrance.  I don’t know what company makes it, but you can find it at most shops that sell candles.  The linen spray leaves a clean, soft smell that does not overpower or smother me when I climb into bed.  The candle is the softest white and I keep one by my bedside.


Thankfully, we were spared the snow, sleet, ice mix predicted for our area today. We have had a rainy, cold day and the temperature tonight is predicted to be in the teens again. While sleeping on snow doesn’t sound like something I want to do, it is definitely something I love to smell.


  1. So pretty! I love the sweet, sweet pillowcase...We are getting snow now and I don't feel inclined to go sleep in it. However I would be happy to sleep in this bed;). You could make this a *blue* valentines post with the hearts I spy!

    love you

  2. I love that pillow case! It reminds me of the pillow cases, table cloths, etc. that my great - grandmother used to embroider...

    And I love your daughter's old room. It looks comfortable and inviting and restful...

    and hmmm.... that white candle looks very seimiliar to canles we used to purchase from a specialty store, except we bought a dreamsicle -- orangy type frangrance, it was a peach color... same square shape... wonder if it's the same candle people??

    thanks for sharing with us today!
    Stay warm!

  3. Very pretty! It looks so inviting and relaxing in your daughter's old room. Guests would rest very comfortably there. I love that shade of blue on the wall.

    The pillow case is lovely. It reminds me of the old days when everything needed to be ironed. One of my first chores that I was given was to iron the pillowcases that my mother had dampened down. I love to sleep on fresh smelling linens. I'll be sure to check out the spray fragrance. Take care, Cheryl

  4. Where can the linen spray be found? There aren't any places near me that sell it.
