Sunday, January 16, 2011


Our area of the country has been under drought. or near drought, conditions for most of 2010.
We finally have begun to see significant a matter of fact, this is the 3rd day of significant rain. The weather man says we are 14 inches under normal.  I am glad for the rain, really glad, however, I would prefer not to get the whole 14 inches at once! After 3 days without sunshine, I fear I am developing a case of Seasonal Affective Disorder. Some symptoms are crankyness, sleepiness and craving for sweets. Hmmmm, I can definitely see a couple of these in my behavior. I understand we have one more day of this before the sun will shine again. I thought looking at a couple of pictures of flowers taken in warm SUNSHINE would help.

Hoping for blue skies soon!


  1. Thanks for the sunny, happy photos! Just looking at that big 'ol sunflower makes me smile....

    Hmmm.... I think my sister may have S.A.D. She sure does hate gloomy, rainy days... me, I just want to curl up with a good book and read....

    I hope things brighten up for you, though, glad you are getting the rain you need, but understand your heart must be singing: "Rain Rain go away!" it has been raining here in coastal Texas, too, and we needed it, but are also hoping for the sunshine....

  2. Your lovely pictures brought the only sunshine we're going to have for a couple of days, too. I enjoy rainy days sometimes, especially when I can stay inside, but enough is enough, isn't it!

  3. The sunny photos are just the thing! I was thinking just this morning when I woke up that I must have S.A.D! I didn't want to get up. I've been way too lethargic lately. Hurry up spring!

    Hope you get sunshine soon and the rains ease up until another day when they are needed.

  4. I fight S.A.D. every winter. I am sooo longing for spring. I wouldn't bet on the cold weather killing any mosquitoes though.Beautiful photos.I am now a follower.

  5. Hi there....i just came across your blog & see you too love to garden! Would love for you to link up to Cottage Flora Thursday's (garden party)looking for others who enjoy cottage gardens! xoox
    Hope to see you soon! xoox
