Monday, January 10, 2011


The snow I had hoped for didn't happen here. We had some flurries off and on but as you can see, mostly sleet and freezing rain.

The temperature stayed in the low 30's and upper 20's most of the day and night. That is pretty cold for this part of the south.

We are supposed to be in the deep freeze most of this week. The upside is, maybe some of these pesky mosquitos won't make it through the cold weather to harrass us next summer!

Stay warm and dry!


  1. Hi Carolyn, Glad you didn't lose electricity with the ice! It's snowing here and we may get 4-6 inches according to the weatherman. Hope he's wrong! Have a good day, Cheryl

  2. Hey, girl! If you squint the right way, the last pic ALMOST looks like snow... hehe!

    Glad y'all didn't lose power etc...

    Good luck with those mosquitoes, I agree totally! They are bad most of the time here on the Gulf Coast, too!

