Saturday, January 08, 2011


This picture is unusual for our part of the south. It was taken last winter when we were surprised with a real snowfall. According to the weather report this  morning, I could awake to a similar sight tomorrow. Could we be lucky enough to have snow two years in a row???

The downside has sleet and icy rain in the forcast as a possibility as well. I don't like ice......for with ice comes downed power lines and for an all electric home, that spells bad news. Especially since we live in the country and are at the bottom of the list for restoral and the temperature is projected to be in the low 20's. Brrrrrr. 

I am hoping for the snow. Will let you know tomorrow.


  1. Pretty! The gazebo looks like a frosted cupcake. We don't ususally get snow here, either, but the last couple of Decembers we did, and everyone was out in it acting like a bunch of kids! LOL! Didn't happen this year, though....

    Ihope y'all get all the pretty snow without the downed power lines, etc....

  2. Your snow covered gazebo is so pretty! We are supposed to get some snow Monday here in MO. Hope that you don't see any ice there. My hubby is a lineman and has worked several ice storms. They try to get the electricity on as fast as they can, but working in the elements and sometimes the location of the problem causing the outages can really slow them down. It's not easy working out there in the icy conditions, but they certainly understand how the consumers feel and try to restore the power as soon as they can. I hope we don't have any ice here, either! I worry much when my loved ones have to drive on bad roads.
    Have a good weekend! ~Cheryl

  3. Beautiful picture, Carolyn. I think you have a better chance of getting snow than we do. Hopefully, we will get lucky and not get the ice that's predicted for the Vicksburg area.

    Take care and enjoy the snow if you get some!
