Monday, February 21, 2011



Or, maybe I should say people watching.




This fellow would never get any closer so I couldn’t get a better picture of him.


The red Cardinal against a blue sky couldn’t be missed.


While taking this picture, the only bird I could see was the male cardinal, what a surprise to see his mate and friends in the picture.


These were taken at my Mother’s house in Mississippi this past weekend through the breakfast room window. I didn’t have a zoom lens and some were really too far away to get a good shot, but I decided to share anyway.

I love birds!


  1. AWW, you caught the woodpecker with a berry or seed in his beak!!!
    You are such a good photographer...
    Can't even imagine what you could do with one of those *fancy* cameras:) I love birds too!

  2. What wonderful shots of some feathered friends! I, too, love birds... your post today is one of those that I will have to come and visit several times.....

    The pic of multiple birds is so neat! It looks like a male and female cardinal, and maybe a mocking bird? I can't tell what the one in the back is.... so very cool that you caught all of them perched in a little group, like they were hanging out at the "birdie starbucks" or something.....
    the woodpecker is so pretty with it's bright red "cap" on....

    Hugs, Jenni

  3. You've got some great shots of our feathered friends. I love watching the birds, but getting a good photo of the little guys is hard to do, at least for me, since they won't stand still! Have a good weekend!
