Saturday, March 05, 2011

Looking Up

The sky today is a watery, grey color and the beautiful warm temperature we had yesterday has fallen to a chilly 50 degrees.

As I was editing some photos this afternoon, I decided in addition to having a love affair with flowers, animals, trees and just nature in general, I love the great expanse of the heavens as well.

So, I am sharing some “sky” pictures. Some I have shared before,
 others have been filed away for such a grey day as today.

myrtlebeach09 036

Sunrise on beautiful Myrtle Beach, SC


Very dark and angry sky taken in eastern Louisiana.
These were some of the blackest clouds I had ever seen.


Fiery sunset taken in Vicksburg, MS. 
 Everyone who sees this picture assumes it is a fire,
 but it is an actual sunset.


Fluffy, white clouds at a rest stop somewhere in west Texas.


Controlled burn in Wyoming.


Sunset in western Mississippi.


And, with that, the sun also sets on this post.

I'll be looking up tomorrow, hoping for a blue sky!


  1. Love them all! We have rain, rain, and rain last night and all day today, rain....that and having just spent 3 hours in ER with David... I STILL have much to be thankful for!!! ;0)

    love you,

  2. Breathtaking pictures! Brings to mind Psalm 8:1 "Oh LORD our Lord, how excellent is thy name in all the earth! who has set thy glory above the heavens."


  3. Oh, and it's chilly again here, too! It had warmed up some, but heater weather tonight....

  4. Awesome photos! Thanks for sharing.
