Saturday, March 26, 2011

Colors of Spring


Everywhere I look these days, there is something pretty to see.
 Spring has been “bustin” out all over.
I can’t seem to capture the color purple to my satisfaction, but this wisteria blooming on the island is so lovely.  The March wind has been blowing all week making it almost impossible to take pictures, but I managed a few.



The Redbud trees have been spectacular. Their color is so pretty, even when fading.


The last of the daffodils.


The azaleas are just beginning to shine. This white variety is always the first to bloom.
This is the first one I purchased when we built our house over 25 years ago.
It was marked down to .99 with no tag and has been the best dollar I have ever spent.
Remember the old TG&Y stores? That’s were it came from.


The dogwood in my back yard hasn’t been as pretty this year for some reason.
Here are a couple of blooms, just opened. I like the creamy green color.


And here are some blooms from this week.
 They look a little bedraggled and I am guessing it is
 probably the wind. It has blown pretty strong at times.
For some really beautiful dogwood pictures, visit Janie at
southernlagniappe to see her pink dogwood blooms.




We are planning to go to the Norton Gallery tomorrow. I have a new camera I would like to practice with, but will probably take my trusty old Canon that I am familiar with as well. There are acres of gardens and miles of paths to wander along with water features. Sounds like heaven to me.

I will share what I see next time.


  1. Gorgeous signs of Spring are everywhere... and you captured some of the glory of God's Creation!

    I do love Wisteria.....

    Can't wait to see what you capture on your Garden Stroll...

    Texas Hugs,

    PS. I'm a little worried, this part of texas is seeing the worst draught in 34 years.... the farmers are struggling... and we need some Rain!

    I need to talk to the "Rain Maker" about that....

  2. Just plain ol beautiful. Are these with your new camera?? You know you'll probably have to tell me since I thought all your pics so far have been outstanding! So excited for you last!....have fun snapping!!!!!

    love ya,

  3. Those are really beautiful flower photos. I love the red bud trees and can't wait to see them each spring. Wish they could stay in bloom all summer long! Have fun taking pics at the Gallery.
