Sunday, March 20, 2011

Vintage Flower Pot


I went to one of our local gardening centers yesterday to buy new coco mats for the baskets that hold Boston Ferns on the front porch.
(which I also ended up buying ..the ferns I mean) 

I will just confess, I have NO willpower when it comes to resisting plants, especially if there is a bloom attached, so it was really hard to resist filling a cart with flowers.

I did pretty well..... however.... this cyclamen came home with me for a touch of color in the  house along with a Gerbera Daisy for the porch.


I put it in this old flower pot given to me by a friend. It had been in storage for quite a while and was dusty and dirty. I brought it home, soaked in soapy water with a bit of bleach and cleaned it up. It has a few age spots, but I love, love, love the color and just look at the form.


Pretty scalloped border and swirled sides. It has an attached saucer and other than a few stains, in really good condition.


It doesn’t take much to make me happy.

I know my daughter and my sister both will covet this little flower pot, and one of them will probably end up with it one day. But for now, I am enjoying it along with it’s contents while planning what I want to plant in the yard this year.


You can see through the heart, the saucer is scalloped also….love it.


  1. Awwww, can you just go ahead and write my name on the bottom? You know Shannon gets anything she wants from me ~ this way I could just love it for a week or two;).
    Wait, what am I talkin about?! Me and you are going out together sister!!!
    love you,

  2. Very pretty, I love old containers-usually much more beautiful than the new ones.

  3. Oh the blue pot is so pretty....

    and my mom and sister just bought me two big 'ol fluffy Boston Ferns... I am so excited!

    Like you, I have no will power at Garden places, either... about this time every year I am eaten up with flower and plant GREED... LOL! it's like when your eyes are bigger than your tummy at a yummy buffet....
    Texas hugs,

  4. I love the color of your flower pot. It cleaned up really well! I love plants and flowers, so a garden center holds lots of temptations for me. And I don't have much willpower, either. Can't wait until the weather is warmer and I can plant my pots outside. Have a good week!

  5. What a pretty way to bring Spring inside! I love the planter, and the red blooms complement it perfectly! You've inspired me, Carolyn!
