Saturday, June 11, 2011

~Sunflower Trail 2011~

A sunflower turns its face to the sun and
basks in the warmth of its glow.

It's that time of year again.
Time for my favorite Sunflower Festival.

 A friend and I traveled the Sunflower Trail this past week and
I took just a few pictures. The flowers were late in blooming and the blooms are sparse compared to previous years.

I think it was close to 100 degrees and very humid by the
time we reached the festival and we along with the
sunflowers felt a little wilted.
These pictures are not the best quality, but it is hard to hold a
camera when you are melting into a puddle!

Even so, these bright, cheerful blooms made the trip worthwhile.

Here is just one of the beautiful homes we passed on our drive.

Hopefully, I will get up to the sunflower fields before they have bloomed out and take a few more pictures,
 but I wanted to share these just in case I miss them.

Hope you have a weekend as happy as the sunflowers!


  1. Hi Carolyn, aren't sunflowers great? I also love black-eyed Susans and coreopsis. A Sunflower Festival sounds like fun and your photos are great. Thanks for sharing! Enjoy your weekend. ~Cheryl

  2. Oh Wow! I think sunflowers ARE happy looking flowers, now that you mention it....

    and what lovely pictures you got, even though you were hot in the sunshine....

    Sounds like y'all had a really nice time gazing at all that beauty!

  3. They do make a person's heart smile!

  4. Hi Carolyn, I tried emailing you but it didn't go through. Just wanted you to know that I've awarded you the Versatile Blogger award. If you aren't interested, please feel free to ignore it! Take care. ~Cheryl

  5. Good morning! Visiting from Cheryl's. I love your blog! The blue hydrangea in your header won me over right away.
    Beautiful photos!
    I've already bookmarked your site and will be back to visit often!
