Wednesday, June 08, 2011

The Old Homeplace

On our outing last week, we traveled the old road back to Shreveport, through farmland green with cotton & soy beans & rice fields. We passed this lovely old homeplace and dear hubby just knew I would want a closer look.

I am not sure why old houses, especially a white clapboard house with a porch, hold such an attraction to me, but I dearly love them.

I can just imagine the family that lived here, the wife
who lovingly decorated and cleaned this home, the children
who played on the porch and under the magnolia tree in the yard
and the father who came home from a day in the fields to his family and a homecooked country supper.

Can't you just imagine them sitting on the porch in the
swing or perhaps a rocker?

 So many things revolved around the southern porch
in the days before air conditioning.
Visiting with the neighbors, shelling peas, rocking babies to sleep, telling stories or watching fireflies at night are just a few
memories from my childhood.

I wish this little red swing could talk, or maybe not.....
Sometimes memories and imagination are better than truth.
I do wish someone would restore this grand old lady.
I think she still has a lot to offer, starting with character......
if only we were younger, had more energy, and
 probably lots and lots of money............. sigh


  1. Oh wow, I love it. You just took me away from this time to another...and just in the nick of time too. I am so in the doldrums these days....every day rolls into the other and I am so not knowing what to do about it! This is a lovely post....and I'm glad my bro-in-law knows you soo well;). Love you both!

  2. I love old houses (or new) with porches like in the photo. The house my parents had was white with a porch across the front. Sadly, it burned down when I was around 9 yrs old. I'll have to blog about it sometime. Great post!

  3. That old homeplace just stirs up my curiosity! I, too, wish we could know more about the original family..... evidently someone loved to spend time together on that porch as evidenced by that swing....

    Thanks for sharing.... goodness, I'd love to more .....

    Have a wonderful day!

  4. I SO love that red swing!!! And the perspective---Mammaw's swing was placed at the far end of the porch, facing IN, and I always thought it would be ever so much more beautiful to swing outward with my feet over the hydrangeas, and have the pure view of the big flower-garden.

    I think that everyone loves a look at an old house---even the concrete-bred souls of city dwellers must stir a bit, when they look upon the scene of an old "home-place."

    Just lovely.


  5. Did someone have an early flair for decorating since the swing is red? Or were they just thrifty and used what they had to paint the swing. It's fun to imagine and daydream about the people who once lived here.

  6. This is the first time I've visited your blog, and these photos of the old house just made me stop to comment! What a treasure and what stories it could tell!

  7. I love this post! And here's why: check out this post I wrote back in December.
    You & I think (and blog)alike!

    Love the photos of this old house - and especially that swing. We always had a swing on the porch when I was a child. (& I do now!

  8. Guess it would help if I gave you the link to my December "old house" post!

  9. Oh, what a treasure, Carolyn ... and you captured it beautifully.

    I found it interesting that the swing faces out, instead of facing in like most porch swings do. As you said, if only it could talk ...

    What a truly lovely old house!
