Saturday, June 04, 2011

A Visit to Natchitoches


Last Monday, we spent part of the day in one of my favorite Louisiana cities, Natchitoches (pronounced NAK a tish). 

It was established in 1714 by Louis Juchereau de St. Denis as part of French Louisiana, the community was named after the Natchitoches Indian tribe.

It has lots of French inspired charm, located on the Cane River. We just walked around town, enjoying the scenery.


Here we are on Front Street which faces the river. This balcony is over the sidewalk below, the second floor being living quarters. Lots of beautiful ironwork balconies are seen all over town.
Wouldn’t this be a nice place to sit in the evening
and look over at the Cane River?


Pretty gardens and great live oaks and magnolias to enjoy.
This is the city where  the movie "Steel Magnolias" was filmed.


Front Street is still made of bricks and the buildings are connected by brick walkways with lovely courtyards in the rear.


There are many beautiful churches in the area. I loved this window……reminds me of a flower.


I love these columns and the window detail.


Another beautiful church located at the corner of
 Second and Church Street.

One of my favorite places to eat, home of the famous Natchitoches meat pie. Sadly, they weren't open on the holiday.

Another great eatery in Natchitoches, fortunately for us, was open and we enjoyed a delicious lunch.
 David had their (also famous) baked potato with crawfish etouffe and I had a grilled chicken salad. Since it was a holiday and all.....
we decided to have dessert.
Chocolate for him and bread pudding for her......yum.

Live oaks, the river, flowers, history and good food.
It was a lovely, relaxing way to spend a day together.

Visit beautiful Natchitoches if you have the opportunity.
You will love it.


  1. I DO love it! When we lived in Shreveport, it was one of our favorite places to visit, especially at Christmastime when they had the boat parade.

    I enjoyed your tour and your beautiful pictures ... it was almost as good as being there myself.

  2. I have enjoyed the beautiful photo tour and I'm so glad you explained how to spell Natchitoches. I would have said something like Nak a toe cheese. It looks like a beautiful city, hope to see your part of the country some day. Enjoy your weekend!

  3. One of my most favorite movies is "Steel Magnolia's" being the Southerner that I am and I just watched it a few nights ago for the 100th time (I never tire of that movie). I would absolutely LOVE to visit this city and I thoroughly enjoyed your photos. It has all the charm of most Southern small towns.

    Carolyn/A Southerners Notebook

  4. ooohhh girl! Thanks for sharing all those photos... Makes me want to head for Nachitoches.... And those meat pies! Yum!

    You know Nacodoches, here in Texas is Nachitoches twin sister.... Seriously. They are called Sister cities....

    Loved your post! Thanks for sharing...
