Thursday, July 28, 2011

And in the case of butterflies,

So rich it looks as if all summer settled there and died.
                                                                                     Philip Larken, "Autumn"

It has taken somewhat longer than expected to bounce
back from the surgery. That, along with the unbelievable
heat and continued drought,
 has left me with little interest in the outside world.

This butterfly caught my attention out the
kitchen window. Maybe it is a sign of better days ahead!

Hope you find beauty in your world today.


  1. It's so good to get to visit you again, Carolyn! You are in my prayers, and I hope you get completely well, very soon!

    What a gorgeous picture of the Monarch Butterfly! I have painted two Monarchs over the last couple of months, but nothing compares to the real thing!

    Best Wishes,

  2. So glad to know you're feeling well enough to post again, Carolyn. I've missed you.

    I'm looking forward to seeing more of your beautiful pictures again soon. Your Monarch is lovely, and I know it brightened your day.

    Best wishes for a complete and speedy recovery!
