Monday, July 04, 2011


Our weather continues in drought conditions.
The rain we had so hoped for didn't appear.
There are chances of thunderstorms every afternoon,
but so far, none for us.
The temperature continues to climb over 100 daily.

This is summer in the south.

The flowers I planted with such promise 2 months ago
are showing signs of severe stress.
I am a little stressed also by dragging
that water hose everywhere the sprinkler doesn't reach :)

I will be taking a blogging break for a couple of weeks.
There is a little matter of unplanned surgery that has
to be taken care of. I expect to be fine and back to normal
soon and I hope to check in from time to time but it
will be a while before I am out and about again with my camera.

Hope your summer stays green and under 100 degrees!
See you in a few weeks.



  1. We in Texas feel your pain! Where's a mild Tropical Storm when you need one, right?

    Best Wishes on the surgery... You will be in my prayers.

    Take Care of yourself!

  2. I hope you get some much needed rain! And I hope your surgery goes well, I'll say a prayer that all will be well and that your recovery will be swift. Take care!

  3. Carolyn, I pray that all goes well with your surgery and you'll be back soon. I'll miss you.

  4. Everyone needs a break.Hope everythings fine...prayers for you.

  5. Everyone needs a break.Hope everythings fine...prayers for you.

  6. Our Heartland Summer has been quite close to yours in temperature and temperament---HOT and a bit muggy, and sometimes quite strong thunderstorms.

    Wishing you some rain soon---Sis in TX is also in the no-rain zone---their garden is about gone, and they couldn't even have fireworks for the Fourth.

    Thoughts and prayers for a quick, easy recovery,

