Friday, July 01, 2011

* Happy 4th of July *

Thank you, to all who make it possible
to celebrate this day of freedom.

 These pictures were taken July 4, 2008 at my
 mother's house in Mississippi.

My daughter and I are planning to visit again this weekend.
I am looking forward to visiting with my family, catching up
on what is happening in their lives and seeing how much the
children have grown (not to mention eating mother's good cooking).

Have a Blessed and Happy Holiday.


  1. What precious little ones, Carolyn. I know you can't wait to see them and your family. Best wishes for a safe and happy weekend.

  2. And a Happy Fourth to you too! How neat that y'all get to spend it with your dear family.... that's what the Fourth of July is all about! Celebrating our freedom with those we love.... hope y'all have a delightful time!


  3. Hi Carolyn, hope you have a wonderful weekend with your family. Have fun! ~Cheryl

  4. Beautiful photos. Hope you enjoy your visit!
