Friday, September 16, 2011


It is that time of year again!

 Birthday's are always a time of celebration and children always
celebrate best with cake, balloons, games and lots of presents.

As I get older, I still celebrate, but it takes on a different look.

Here is how I celebrated my birthday this year.

Around the Table with my Husband, Daughter and Son-in-law.
Shannon cooked a delicious jambalaya and
we had blackberry cobbler with ice cream  instead of birthday cake.

With a gift for the spirit when a quiet time is needed.
 Peach Apricot Tea and Key Lime & White Chocolate Cookies.
(this one I am looking forward to enjoying)

With a gift for the bling in every girl.
A Bit of Jewelry in the Form of a New Watch.

And a gift to use when drinking the Peach Apricot Tea and Eating Cookies
on those days when I don't have to keep up with the time on that new Watch.

New Front Porch Rockers.

David and I don't usually exchange gifts these days. 
We find we have few wants and fewer needs. 
We usually opt instead to just enjoy a special dinner out.

But this year I requested these rockers.

 I have lots of seating on the back porch, but none in the front.
After David cut the big oak tree down that was directly
in front of the porch, I now have a great view of the large front
yard and street. I can sit out here with my tea (or coffee) and
enjoy the birds and butterflies and watch the world go by.

And I can't think of anyone I would rather sit on the
porch and rock with than my hubby!

(I think we look little like ma & pa Kettle,
 I guess having birthdays really does make you old!)


  1. Glad your birthday was a good one! Happy Birthday! I think the rockers look great on your porch and will get lots of good use. And you don't look like Ma & Pa Kettle! LOL! The blackberry cobbler with ice cream sounds better than cake to me, too. Have a wonderful weekend.

  2. So glad you posted this! I don't think you look like the Kettles either:). You are much too thin and DH is not quite thin enough,lol! Really like the rockers too. Love you and hope your day was special from start to finish!


  3. That cobbler sounds mouth-watering. Have a wonderful year.

  4. Happy Belated Birthday, Carolyn dear! I am finally getting caught up on everyone's news, as I have not been blogging for about a week.

    Sounds like you had a hppy day... and jambalaya, huh?? YUM! I love that stuff!

    It also sounds like you got some thoughtful and wodnerful gifts... glad you were so blessed by those you love...

    love the picture...
