Saturday, September 03, 2011

A Promise of Rain ~ Withheld?

A tropical storm in the Gulf!!!

Surely that would cause the rain clouds to come as far
 north as Caddo Parish. We desperately need rain to douse
the wildfires that are out of control.

We have had predictions of possible showers this weekend but the latest weather track seems to leave the northern section of
Caddo Parish dry.....that would be me!

The Cypress Trees here on the swamp have turned
copper and their leaves have started to fall.
I hope they are just going dormant early
and not dying.

There's still a few green things like this coleus
that has managed to survive.

It has a strange little bloom, but a bloom after all.

And oddly enough, this hibiscus has lovely red flowers
in spite of the drought.
We have tried to give it a drink now and then
and it has shown it's appreciation.

In spite of  the 100 degree temps this past week,
 the days are getting shorter, we have a real cool front
 promised  this week.....low 90's and high 80's!
So it is beginning to feel just a wee bit like fall.

Fall is one of my favorite times to decorate.
I love, love pumpkins, pretty colored leaves, cool nights
and all that goes with it.

A project in progress. I think he will go on the front door.

This has been an unusual summer for us. The extreme weather
that seems to go on and on and the unexpected surgery has
kept me indoors and that has been hard for me.
I love being outside working in my flowers.

But it has given me time to catch up
on some reading and reflecting. 

"A man's heart plans his way, But the Lord directs his steps."
                                                                          Proverbs 16:9

I had plans in the spring for a beautiful,
colorful yard filled with flowers
 and the good health to work outside and enjoy them.

God has shown me He is still in control,
 not only of nature, 
but of my life as well.

Will we get rain this weekend? I don't know.
I pray we will, but if not, we will wait and know
God will send it in His time.

Enjoy the Labor Day Weekend!


  1. I don't know WHEN I've read a better paean to Fall! And the photos are just lovely.

    We've had 99s and 100s for the past three days (96 right now) and I hope for the turning soon.

    Hope your weather lightens up and sends some COOL soon.

  2. Goodness! I know that is disappointing about the rain, we here on the Texas gulf Coast were hoping for some rain from the storm, too......

    You are so right about it all being in His Hands.... I keep fretting about this drought, thanks for the reminder, dear friend.... my worrying won't change a thing, but prayer will!
    Thanks for the encouraging words, and love the cute scarecrow!

  3. What a cute little scarecrow in the making. I hope you will soon have relief from the drought.

  4. Carolyn, i just had to stop by again and give a "praise report"... not long after I commented on here today, we DID get some rain!!!!! Thank God! We felt like dancinng in those raindrops, hehe.

    I am praying for y'all to get some soon, too! be encouraged, dear friend!
    Another hug,

  5. I hope some of our rain drifts your way, Carolyn ... and some of the cooler temperatures we're expecting this week, too.

    I hope this finds you feeling better and able to get out and enjoy Nature's promise that Fall is, indeed, on the way!

  6. I was praying that people in Texas and Louisiana that needed rain would get some of the storm- I guess that wasn't God's plan. We got a flood, not exactly what I wanted, but again God was in control.He knows best ,even though sometimes it's hard for us to see that.
