Saturday, October 15, 2011

Autumn Gold

The heat of the summer put a damper on
my outside walking. Since the temperature
has dropped a bit (down to the 80's), I have started back.

This past week I decided to take a peek at the
secret garden I found last spring.
I really didn't expect to find any
 flowers due to the drought. 

I was surprised to see
pretty gold and yellow flowers everywhere.

They covered the field and road with cheerfulness.

Even the golden bitterweed is a welcome sight
in a mostly dry and brown landscape these days.

We will be taking a few days off to
visit the Ozarks this week.
I hope to seem more fall blooms
and some pretty color on the trees.

I will share what I find when we return.

Have a wonderful weekend filled with
sunshine and autumn gold!


  1. I really like your autumn gold. Have a great time in the Ozarks! (And take lots of photos)

  2. Lovely post! Tell our home state ~hello~ from me. Wishing you a great time and perfect weather with a beautiful fall palette!
    Also wishing I were going there too,hehe....

    love you much

  3. I love these "Autmn Gold Riches" you shared with us!! Yellow is such a cheery, happy color! And you are right, any flowers after this drought are such very welcome sights for our eyes, aren't they??

    How I LOVE the beautiful Ozarks! We've taken many a vacation there.... hope y'all's visit is delightful!


  4. These are so bright and sunny!

  5. such beautiful pictures - I love this time of year.
