Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Melrose Plantation
Melrose Plantation was one of the places we chose to visit
on our recent Pilgrimage Tour in Natchitoches.
It offers a wonderful picture of life in the South
beginning as early as 1796.

In addition to the Big House, the buildings on tour included the
Yucca House, the African House, the Writer's Cabin, 
the Weavers House and the Bindery.

I am just going to share a few of the pictures Shannon &
 I took and I hope you enjoy the tour as much as we did.

The Main or Big House.

This started out as two upper rooms with a carriage house
underneath and wound up as this beautiful home.

The back veranda of the Main House.

Photos were not allowed inside so I took some 
pictures of the beautiful arrangements outside.
The inside of the house was decorated as well, with
mostly flowers, leaves, berries and whatever
could be found on the grounds.

The Africa House 

You can see by the Congo inspired shape
how it came by that name. 

The front of the Africa House.
The faded blue doors I love!

The Writer's Cabin.

When Miss Cammie Henry lived at Melrose in the
1800's, she would invite writers and artists
 to come stay on the plantation.
The only stipulation was they must show some evidence
 of their work each night at dinner. If they failed to do so,
they would be politely asked to leave!

Here we are in front of Yucca House which was
 the first house built on the plantation
probably around 1796.

One of Miss Cammie's favorite writers ended up living in
this house for over 20 years. That is a lot of writing!

Another pretty blue shutter on the Yucca House.
This is one building that has recently
 been completely restored.
( Being over 300 years old, it was probably time.)

The chimney on the Bindery.
The color and texture of the stones caught my eye.

And finally, Shannon sitting on a root of the Century Oak
 in front of the house. This oak is thought to
have been here since the early 1800's.
Oh, to think what this tree has seen!
 If you visit Natchitoches, it is worth your time
to travel to Cane River Country and tour Melrose.

Melrose is open for tours daily from 12:00 to 4:00 p.m. excluding major holidays.
More information on Melrose can be found at CaneRiverHeritage.org.


  1. Oh my goodness. This is all just too beautiful. I will definitely have to go research the history of this place a little more. I LOVE the blue doors and shutters!!! And the stones were amazing!!! 300 years! Can you even imagine that?! Loved this post!

    p.s. Terrific photography~

  2. Oh Wow, Girl! I LOVED your post about Melrose... and all that you have been sharing about y'all's trip! This Plantation looks and sounds fascinating; I hope to visit it some day...

    Thanks again for sharing!

  3. I loved this tour! Thanks for taking us along. It is so beautiful there and your photos are just fabulous. I'd love to see this place!

  4. Thanks for the comments! I have tried to comment on Jenni's post but haven't been able to. Nothing I tried has worked, but I have been checking in and appreciate your visits.

  5. Beautiful tour. Of course I think every part of Louisiana is beautiful! Thanks for sharing.
