Saturday, October 08, 2011

A Pilgrimage

I have shared photos before of beautiful Natchitoches
on the Cane River located about an hour south of  here.

This weekend they hosted a Pilgrimage Tour
of town homes and plantations.

 Shannon said "let's go" and I said "okay"!

The town was all decked out in it's autumn finery for the event.
My mother would love all the flowers.

Hundreds of mums and pumpkins with
shocks of corn and stalks of cotton decorated Front Street.

The Cane River, which runs through town, 
is at an all time low due to the drought.

Here we are by the river taking a break under
one of the beautiful live oaks that grace this lovely city.

We toured three town homes and one
plantation home as well as shopping Front Street.

Stay tuned.....I will be back next week to share in pictures
just a bit of the beautiful things we saw.


  1. I love all those pumpkins tucked about.

  2. It is so much fun to get out in the fall and go to festivals. I think we enjoy it more after the awful heat of summer, when there is a breath of coolness in the air. The Cane River is beautiful.

  3. Love that ya'll took this trip and that you posted a pic of you two:)

  4. I love the fall pumpkins and mums. The river scene is beautiful, and you both look so relaxed and like you are having a great time.

  5. Carolyn, such a nice surprise to see a familiar town. I posted about Natchitoches back at Christmas time. Love that place - close to where we are originally from. Transplants to MS now. I'll be back to visit and look for more familiar places. Thanks for visiting with me.

  6. Hi Carolyn! I'm playing catch up with all of my favorite blogs today... so I was thrilled to see you featured Nachitoches.... I love that city... it's been years since I was there, but I'll never forget those meat pies.... **Sigh**

    makes me want one now!

    Thanks for sharing y'all's good time with all of us!
