Wednesday, February 15, 2012

The past two weeks have been unusually
sad and unsettling.
 Several families in our church, where I
work as a part time receptionist, have
lost loved ones unexpectedly.

They are like family to all of us and when
our family hurts, we hurt.

I couldn't help but reflect on how much
can change in a week or even a day.

I am showing a few more pictures of our
trip to south Louisiana. I am more
thankful than ever for the precious few
days David & I had to enjoy together,
worry and stress free.

The picture above is the bayou we crossed to
visit Avery Island. If you have ever enjoyed
Tabasco Sauce on your food, this is where
it came from!
It is home to the McIlhenny plantation where the
tabasco peppers were first grown and made into
the favorite sauce of Louisiana.

Tabasco Pepper Sauce Red - 5 oz

It is a beautiful island with 170 acres of Jungle gardens
and a aviary with a nesting area for the snowy egret.

It was another cloudy day, but thankfully, no rain.

Since it was the middle of the week,
there were few people around and the grounds
were so quiet and peaceful.

It is about a three mile drive through the gardens with
lots of walking paths for exploring.
 One path led to this stone bridge and the Buddah
 house in the background.

I never was able to get a clear picture of him
without a glare, but wanted you to see
the statue inside. It is from somewhere around
the eleventh century and a gift to Mr. McIlhenny
 in the 1930's.

We saw a few gators as well. They were mostly
out in the water, but I can assure you, I kept
an eye out as we walked down some of those paths!

Here is David walking around in the sunken garden.
Can you find him? Sorta like Waldo isn't he?

Here is the nesting area for the snowy egret
aptly named "bird city". At one time, their numbers
were greatly reduced, but thanks
in part to the McIlhennys' they are once
again abundant.

Out and about, wandering around, and enjoying
God's world together is our favorite way to spend time.

If you ever get to visit the southern part of our state,
be sure to make time to visit Avery Island.

There is beauty down every path........

and around every corner.

Til next time.......


  1. Such unusual sights to this Northerner! Thank you for sharing them.

  2. Carolyn, enjoyed seeing Avery Island. My husband has been there and toured the tabasco plant. It is amazing how church family comes together when we hurt ~ those who do not have one, don't have any idea what they are missing.

  3. Girl, you are awesome for sharing your Avery Island trip with us.... I have always wanted to visit.....

    and I FINALLY found Waldo, I mean David, hehe.

    I will pray for those church friends of y'all's..... It's hard to see someone you care about going through tough times, isn't it?
    and thanks for your ecnouragement to me on my blog, Carolyn, you are such a dear.


  4. Carolyn, I am so sorry to hear about your church family's recent losses. I pray they will feel God's presence beside them during the difficult days ahead.

    Thank you for taking the time to share your pictures from your trip to Avery Island. Even though I was born and raised in Louisiana, I have never been there. My favorite picture is the one of the dirt road.
