Friday, February 24, 2012

Spring Tease

A Light exists in Spring

        Not present on the Year
        At any other period —

When March is scarcely here
                                                            .......from a poem by Emily Dickinson

       This past week has been more like spring
  with temperature in the 80's on some days.

The little yellow "sweeties" and the
Carolina jasmine look like sunshine.

With the rains that came in January & February,
the lake is once again full and we have water
behind our house.

I took a few pictures to share........
a sight we have not seen in a couple of years.

Pretty reflections of the bare trees in the water.

I understand another dry summer is predicted.
Hopefully, not the drought of 2011.

I know we have more wintry weather to come,
but I love this tease of spring.

Till next time......


  1. Simply beautiful, Carolyn! Awesome photos....


  2. Your photos are wonderful, Carolyn! I'll be glad when spring is really here.
    Have a nice weekend!

  3. love the yellow jasmine, I don't believe I've seen any blooming here in MS. Hope you are having a good weekend.

  4. Such a refreshing sight! We've had snow most of the weekend.

  5. Ahhh, the Tease of Spring!

    We certainly enjoyed it for all it was worth yesterday---it was 66 when we left the house about two, and sunny and WINDY. We went for a late lunch at a fast-food place which has a wonderful little pavillion out back, with teak benches and strolling paths and lots of trees.

    Our Sweetpea played happily for a couple of hours after we ate at a picnic table, climbing and taking us on wonderful journeys on the "train" and a "boat" as the wind whipped our hair and last year's leaves scurried past our feet.

    Your pictures are SO evocative of "home" that I've just looked and looked my eyes full---the bayous and tree-trunks and especially what we called our "tulip tree" in our MS yard.

    Hope it STAYS Spring!

