Saturday, March 17, 2012

Best Seat in the House!

A few weeks ago, I shared some pictures
from our little get-away to Bayou Corne.

Here is a picture of the cabin where we stayed.

Rustic and cute, huh?

We spent time on this front porch
rocking and drinking our coffee,
reading and just enjoying ourselves.

The rocking was done in handmade
cypress rockers that had been allowed
to age naturally, developing that
beautiful gray patina.

They were the most comfortable rockers
ever! We found out a gentleman by the
name of Wilson Waguespack was the maker.
He just happened to have a couple of
rockers finished and we made arrangements
to go by his house to pick them up.

Fast forward to this week.......

Here is that cypress rocker on my
back porch. I wanted to let my rockers
age naturally as well.....but in the mean just looked so raw. And being
under the porch meant it would take longer
to turn that wonderful gray color, sooooo

I decided to help it along with a little
light stain. It is called Sunbleached by
Rustoleum and it is perfect.
I brushed it on and wiped it off immediately,
not letting it soak in but a minute.


I wanted it to look aged, not painted and
I couldn't be more pleased with the results.
(It is not as white in person as in the pictures).




Mr. Wilson even "signed" his work.
You can still see the wood grain and
a bit of the raw it!

By the way, Mr. Wilson and his sweet wife
were a pleasure to meet. We had such a lovely
visit with them and found out he is in his 80's and
still working in his wood shop regularly.

I stained the first one on Monday and the
second one today....
I find I am not as young as I used to be!
 When did that happen?

Oh well, at least one of those rockers
is dry and ready use...think I'll do that now.

Till next time...........


  1. what beautiful rockers ~ such a cute little cabin for a getaway. Just may want to know the location on this one!

  2. They look like a wonderful addition for you.

  3. Rockin' on the porch!! That's the activity just MADE for the South.

    You can sit in your beautiful new chairs, and, as we do on the back-less park benches with our Sweetpea, ride a train or a boat, or even better---have that magical little cabin appear around you, and you're back there, just relaxing and enjoying.

    Beautiful idea, and splendid painting!


  4. Nothing like a good porch rocker. That cabin looks like the perfect get away spot.

  5. Love the rockers....good job! The little cabin is too cute too~
    looking so forward to your visit!

    love ya

  6. What a cute cabin! And how delightful to relax and rock and drink coffee with someone you love....

    Love the rockers! Rocking on the porch is such a wonderful southern tradition.... I'll never forget my Grannie and Papaw's front porch and rocker..... we'd sit and watch the lightening bugs flit around in the Summer time, as we were drinking tea and talking.....

