Thursday, March 22, 2012

Red sky at morning,
sailors take warning,
Red sky at night,
sailors delight.

Remember this little nursery rhyme?

My daddy used to say this and it always
comes to mind each time I see a red sky
 at daybreak or at eventide.

These pictures were taken
in the evening as I drove home.
Tomorrow looks to be a lovely day.

My daughter and I will be traveling
to Mississippi to visit family.
So glad to have great weather for our trip.

 He answered and said unto them,
When it is evening, ye say,
It will be fair weather:
 for the sky is red.
And in the morning,
It will be foul weather to day:
for the sky is red and lowering.  
Matthew 16:2-3

Have a blessed weekend!

Till next time............


  1. I quote the same thing too :)
    Hope you have a great trip. Beautiful captures.

  2. I quote the same thing too :)
    Hope you have a great trip. Beautiful captures.

  3. Yep, we have always known that little rhym here at our house... I have found there is lots of wisdom in some of those old nuggets passed down by generations.....

    Loved the scripture!
    hope y'all have a wonderful trip to Miss.

  4. Yes, I remember that saying well. The colors in your sky remind me of the sky here at times.

  5. I remember that quote and think of it often! Your photos are beautiful, Carolyn. Hope you're having a good trip!
