Tuesday, March 27, 2012

We stopped at the Visitor's Center
on the Mississippi River on the
way to grandma's house.
(What happened to Mississippi
the Magnolia State?)

It was a beautiful if somewhat
breezy spring day.

We got to play with this sweet boy all weekend

 is going to have a baby brother later this year!

What a cute way to announce!
Hope your weekend was a good one too.


  1. Hi Carolyn.... What a darling little baby! He is so cute! Sounds like you are having a fun trip, and I am so glad.

    Hugs from Texas,

  2. Glad to hear about your trip. Looks like you had an adorable little guy to have fun with! He is so cute!! Love your photos, and congrats on the new g'baby to be!

  3. Great Pics!!! So wish everybody didn't hve to *go home*:(. Loved the visit!!
