Sunday, August 05, 2012

~ Dog Days ~

It's that time of know...
it seems like it has been hot
and you can't remember the last
time you heard it rain....and the it possible for it to
be more than 100 %?

Once again I understand the
 "dog days of summer" phrase.
 If I were a dog, I would
lay around on the porch, or in the
shade and nap
all . the . live . long . day.

One morning, David and I just weren't
in the mood to do chores, so we took
a little drive and wound up at
a place called Uncertain, Texas.

 How would you like to tell folks you
were from Uncertain? Could be a little
confusing, I'm thinkin'. 
It is just over the state line in Texas
and we went there looking
for a catfish resturant we had heard about.

We arrived just in time for lunch.
Even though it was a very warm day,
we opted to sit on the screened porch
overlooking the river bend.

The scenery was worth the outside seat!

Spanish moss framed the boaters
as they cruised around the bend.

Such a peaceful place to
enjoy fried catfish, hushpuppies,
cole slaw and sweet tea.
(did I mention peach cobbler?) 

I am sure there is a logical reason
for the name Uncertain.

Maybe with this much beauty,
they just couldn't decide which
lovely name to call their little

We traveled on to the little town of
Jefferson, Tx. for an afternoon of
browsing the antique shops.
I will share more about that next time.

For now, I am staying cool and
enjoying these "dog days". They will
be gone soon enough and the next
season will be upon us.

That seems to be happening way to fast
these days.

Till next time,
              Aunt C


  1. My mother made peach cobbler; it was so yummy. What a beautiful view here.

  2. That does look like a wonderful place to have lunch.My three dogs-and me are pretty much laying around and sleeping the livelong day! I cannot wait till the weather turns cooler, because I will be visiting Louisiana again!! I can't come anymore when it is really hot{health issues}.

  3. I would love to visit Uncertain for lunch of fried catfish and a lovely view like that one! Catfish, if it is fried just right, is one of my favorite meals. And now I'm getting hungry. Love your photos!

  4. Loved hearing about your trip to Uncertain, and I'm looking forward to your Jefferson story. When we lived in Bossier, Jefferson was one of our favorite weekend day trips. It's so quaint, and there's always something going on there.

  5. Hello, dear Carolyn! How I enjoyed those cool refreshing lake photos! And we used to to Jefferson and shop at a little shop on the side of the road..... it's been a while since then, though...

    never been to Uncertain, Texas, but your post makes this Texas girl long to visit!

    Big hugs,

  6. Maybe as you leave such a beautiful place you find yourself" uncertain" if it really exists!;) Cannot wait for the Jefferson post!!!!

  7. Maybe as you leave such a beautiful place you find yourself" uncertain" if it really exists!;) Cannot wait for the Jefferson post!!!!
