Friday, August 10, 2012

~ Jefferson ~

As I promised in my last post, I am sharing
a little of our day in the lovely
old town of Jefferson, TX.

After our lunch in Uncertain,
 we spent the rest of the
afternoon browsing through the
many little antique
shops found here in Jefferson.

After a day of shopping, we always seen to
end up at this place,
the Jefferson General Store.

It is as old timey as they come,
complete with a soda
fountain inside where a coke float
or a strawberry malt
can be had on a hot summer day.

The handsome blue pickup is always
 parked in front.

There are benches for resting and
people watching.

 You can get a glimpse of the
 fun stuff inside through the window
 (excuse my reflection....
not too well planned :o)

The town is well taken care of and
many older buildings
have been beautifully restored.
 I just loved the colors
on this building as well as the architecture.

Such pretty art work on this building,
remembering the past when this was
a major port for this part of the south.
We had a lovely afternoon in spite of the
 100 degree heat.

I found a couple of vintage juice glasses and
David found a book so we both came home
with a little treasure to show for our day.

If you ever have the opportunity to visit Jefferson,
it is well worth your time. There are lovely
B and B's in many of the
beautiful old homes in town.

Hope you enjoyed the mini tour..
til next time....
            Aunt C


  1. This looks so well cared for. The blue pickup reminds me of one my father had.

  2. Oooh I enjoyed those pictures..... You took some great ones!


  3. Anonymous7:38 AM

    Hi Carolyn!
    Congrats!!! You are one of the lucky winners on my blog. A Goose Creek candle has your name on it. Just email me and I will give you more info. Hope you enjoy. They are some great smelling candles. Thanks for playing, Susie

  4. Love the blue pickup! Enjoyed your photos, looks like a great place to visit.

  5. Lovely~ needed a pic of your juice glasses though;). And did I see a smile on the beats face there?! ;) the post, love you......


  6. Lovely~ needed a pic of your juice glasses though;). And did I see a smile on the beats face there?! ;) the post, love you......


  7. I loved returning to Jefferson and seeing it through your lens, Carolyn. Your pictures make me want to go back!
