Saturday, August 25, 2012

I confess.....
I am a Jason Bourne fan.
I have seen the trilogy more times
than I can count and if
it were on the tv right now...
I would probably be watching.
All three movies were equally
entertaining to me. The plot was
skillfully continued and kept me
interested...right down to the smile
on Nicky Parson's face at the
 very end of the Bourne Ultimatum.
So I was looking forward to the
new release of the Bourne Legacy.
The Bourne Legacy
David & I went to see it this week.
We enjoyed it but found it
didn't have the same depth
as the previous three.
Have you seen it? If you are a fan,
what are your thoughts?
With that said, I will watch it again
when it is released from the theaters.
Maybe it will grow on me.
I think I just miss Matt Damon :(
Have a great weekend.
 Til next time,


  1. I'm a fan too and we've had "Bourne week" too many times to count;)! Glad to know the new Bourne was not a complete disappointment. I just can't wrap mind about anyone playing the part other than Matt Damon:-/. Will just have to see for myself:).

  2. It always seems to take something away from a movie when the original lead doesn't continue in the part.
    Hope you will be safe from Isaac! Take care.
