Monday, November 19, 2012

~ I Give Thanks With
                           A Grateful Heart~

            For...... sweet husband, who doesn't
blink an eye when I suggest a
day trip to take in an arts and crafts fair.

  .....or a vacation at a cabin in the
beautiful Georgia mountains. precious daughter and son-in-law,
who are so much fun to vacation with.
They love the outdoors
and are always ready to explore.

.....good health and the best friends
 and co-workers....ever.....
who joined us in support,
walking the 5k Race for the Cure the rain! near
This picture was taken on Easter a couple
of years ago. My sweet mother-in-law
has since gone to be with the Lord, but
we shared many happy family times together
over the years. There is a new baby boy
to add to the family photo this year. far

The fourth generation
extended family in Mississippi.
This was taken last Thanksgiving
and this year, there will be another
little boy added to this picture as well!

.......our cozy little log cabin by
the Cypress Knee swamp, that has
provided shelter and comfort and
a place to call home.
(Oops, I forgot to hang the ferns back up!)

.......the beauty of the State I call home.

.......and for so much more......
my heart is grateful and
humbled to be so blessed.

Happy Thanksgiving Holiday!

                 Aunt C


  1. I am touched by your heartfelt "attitude of gratitude" Carolyn..... what a lovely post! Your life is rich in blessings!!!!

    Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!


  2. Beautiful post, Carolyn! I loved seeing the photos. You have a beautiful family and home.
    Wishing you and yours a very Happy Thanksgiving!

  3. There is always so much to be thankful for. Thanksgiving blessings to you.
