Friday, November 09, 2012

~ TGIF ~

It has been a multicolored
kind of week.
Mixed thoughts and emotions.
For me, there is nothing like
a dose of nature to restore balance.
God is still in His heaven! 
Have a beautiful weekend.


  1. Beautiful photos, Carolyn. Thank you for commenting on my post. I'm still not quite there yet, but seeing the beauty in nature certainly helps.
    Have a great weekend!

  2. Carolyn, I agree wholeheartedly about the power of spending some time enjoying and capturing a little bit of Nature. I spent a morning in the country last week and it helped raise my spirits tremendously.

    Your pictures are stunning, as usual ...

  3. Thanks for the lovely pics... and for the reminder that God is still in His Heaven.... isn't that such a comforting thought?? No matter what happens in this world, He is still God....and He is still as close as the mention of His Name....

