Monday, November 05, 2012

~ Color My World ~
What I see when I turn into my driveway.
We finally had weather cool enough
for the trees to begin to color....
Closer to the house the color is
more golden.....
Like my "See Rock City"birdhouse?
I saw that advertisement on
barns all over northern Arkansas growing up.

How beautifully leaves grow old. 
How full of light and color are their last days.
  ~John Burroughs~

I do love this time of the year!
(except, I wish I could keep Daylight Savings Time)

Til next time,



  1. Your trees are beautiful. Seems like they turned overnight here after we got a rain. I too love the colors this time of year.

  2. Hi Carolyn, I love your beautiful trees! I'm especially fond of the red ones. Our color is about all gone, the leaves are really dropping fast now.
    You must come by my blog and click on Barn Charm. One of the bloggers has a Rock City barn from AR this week! It's No. 15 on the list.

  3. So pretty, Carolyn! I noticed yesterday morning that the trees here have finally started to turn.

    A thunderstorm brought cooler temperatures to Vicksburg, though, so I'm sure most of the leaves will be gone soon. I hope I have a chance to capture some of them with my camera before they fall ...

  4. What stunning leaves. Still adjusting to the time change here.

  5. What a lovely Welcome Home!! The red is a bright beacom to greet you. Your trees look as if they didn't suffer much damage from all the winds last week.

    We're DAMP today, after several really sunny days, and the yard-full of leaves is soggy and brown, but otherwise, the landscape is nice.

    Happy November!


  6. What a lovely Welcome Home!! The red is a bright beacom to greet you. Your trees look as if they didn't suffer much damage from all the winds last week.

    We're DAMP today, after several really sunny days, and the yard-full of leaves is soggy and brown, but otherwise, the landscape is nice.

    Happy November!


  7. Oh it's so good to catch up with you, dear Carolyn! What a beautiful reminder of Fall you have in those gorgeous trees!

