We have been experiencing winter here in the deep south. We finally have sunshine and warmer temperatures after a week of below freezing temperatures.... unusual for us here in Louisiana. Being the southern girl that I am, when it is that cold, I have the urge to hibernate. I can't seem to get in the mood to clean house, shop or get out for much of anything. I picked up this jigsaw puzzle before Christmas and it seemed the perfect time to put it together. I moved the dropped leaf table in front of the fireplace and left it there, working on the puzzle as I had time. I finally finished and love the bird and the flowers and the promise of spring to come. We have had very few birds at our feeders this winter. The Wild Bird Center says it's because we had such a wet autumn that there is plenty of food for the birds to feed on in the wild. I have missed them more than I would have thought. I know they will return, but I enjoyed spending time with my friend in the puzzle. Soon, he will go back into the box, but I think I will enjoy him for just a few more days.
What is your favorite way to spend an winter evening?