Althea, Crepe Myrtle, Magnolia, Kudzu, Gardenia, Sweet Tea, soft spoken words where terms of endearment like Honey, Sugah and Sweetie Pie are used to address one another (you don't actually have to know the person to call them these names either) and, most importantly, family.
All these words remind me of the Old South and the State of Mississippi where I spent the 4th of July weekend. We were fortunate to have an extended weekend so we took the opportunity to visit my family in Mississippi.
One of our nieces is expecting....TWINS.....a boy and a girl and I especially wanted to see her before the babies come later this summer. David always looks forward to a golf game with a nephew and the youngest niece and husband are always so fun to be around. We ate, visited on the patio, ate, shopped, ate, told funny stories and jokes, ate some more and ended the last night watching a video that had us all laughing. I ooohd and ahhhhed over the twins nursery and my heart was so thankful at all the wonderf

We crossed the Mississippi River at Vicksburg and stopped at the Visitor Center to stretch our legs. The flags flying and the history of the battle that occured there in July over a hundred years ago were fitting reminders that we truly have something to celebrate on this Independence Day. I am thankful for every man and woman that served our country to make our freedom possible.
Even though I have lived in Louisiana for over 30 years, I am still always a little sad when it is time to leave my family and come home. It was a good visit and a good holiday.
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