Another of the brightest summer flowers blooming now is the daylily. It is so cheerful and colorful, how could anyone help but love it? Like old fashioned flowers often do, it reminds me of my childhood. My first memories were of living in an unpainted house down a country lane(John Grisham is not the only Arkansan to live in one of these). It had a porch across the front and at one end a pink rose bush that smelled heavenly like a rose bush should. A hogwire fence separated the yard from the cotton patch and planted along that fence were Rose of Sharon trees, some of which provided the occasional switch needed to straighten out little girls. In the back yard was a big walnut tree and in the corner was a patch of flags or daylilies. Every summer when they bloomed they looked like little orange flags waving in the breeze. They were simple blooms and could be seen in just about every country yard and garden. They are still blooming and waving their bright faces in northeastern Arkansas, in fence rows, side ditches, along railroad tracks and anywhere else they are allowed to remain. Now they are blooming in my Louisiana country yard as well.
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