"Where did you come from baby dear? Out of the everywhere into the here" (George McDonald)
This weekend I finally got the opportunity to visit the Magnolia State and see the precious twins born just a month ago. My niece was so sweet and generous in bringing them over on Saturday and spending the whole day so we could hold, feed, change and love on them to our hearts content. Shannon is holding Benjamin who spent much of the time sleeping. He is just the sweetest baby boy and the whole time I held him, I thought, he is my favorite! Then I would take a turn at holding and

The swamp is seeing changes these days. We finally had rain last weekend and things are looking a little less brown and dusty. I am beginning to see a few yellow, red and orange leaves on the trees and the squirrels are busier than ever. Crisp mornings and cooler days have me in the mood to pull up tired periwinkles and plant purple, yellow and orange mums in their place. The mornings also find me searching the closet for long pants and no sandals since 52 degrees is a little chilly on bare legs and toes.
The fall wreath is on the door and I am waiting for the annual pumpkin patch to appear. I love picking out just a few to put at the back door for added fall color. I like the odd shaped and the ones that are the color of pumpkin pie with cinnamon best. I'm sure the hot weather will return again before the cool weather sets in for good, but I am enjoying the taste of autumn while it lasts.
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