I love pass-along plants and one of my

is the St. Joseph's lily. I have had this plant
since we moved into our first home on the lake.
It was in the yard when we moved there and
I brought it with me 25 years ago when we
moved to our current home.
It is a bright, gaudy red and it makes me
happy everytime it blooms
It brings back fond memories of our daughter Shannon's wedding. The reception was held in our back yard and the St. Joseph Lilies were spectacular that April. The wedding was on the 26th and I was praying the blooms would last until the reception and they did, dying out the day after. I have divided and shared this plant with many friends.
Other favorite pass-along plants I have received and shared with others include rosemary, shasta daisies, verbena, English dogwood, red honeysuckle and the list goes on and on. If you are a gardener, you probably have your own favorites passed from friend to friend, generation to generation. The return each year of a favorite plant or flower is a precious reminder of the one who passed it along to you. I have some plants from David's grandmother's yard in Alabama and treasure them each time they bloom. Sights and fragrances bring memories of time spent with friends and family like few other reminders.
Happy Gardening and enjoy the walk down memory lane!
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